Nurture Nature
Discover the Unseen Beauty
Unlock the Secrets of Nature
Find Harmony in Nature
Let Nature Nurture Your Soul
Step into a World of Wonder

Welcome to Pinnes

Pinnes is an organization that aims to help people improve their health and to connect them with natural beauty to relieve
their stress and enjoy the company of nature where they can feel free and relax.We provide information related to nature.

What is Nature

Nature  Nature is everything in the physical world and not made by human beings. This ranges from life forms (flora

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Latest News About Nature

Climate Change

Temperatures in the Arctic have been increasing at about four times faster than global average and are showing no signs of slowing down. This increased warming, however, is not so easily dismissed and extreme changes in Arctic ecosystems are a reality that we will have to face – including seal populations decreasing as the sea ices shelters shrinks and polar bears starve; migration patterns changing due shifts of availability of sources of food.

Biodiversity Loss

This is largely a consequence of habitat loss, climate change and over-exploitation — the current rate of extinctions are forecasted to be more than 1,000 × higher that those found in geological records for today's natural world. This is despite ongoing programs to save endangered species and rehabilitate habitats. A success story in China is how the Chinese indeed intensified efforts to recover the giant panda.

New Species Discoveries

De Leo is the cutting-edge technologies used in deep-sea exploration are increasingly enabling us to start finding new species at these depths. New species of bioluminescent animals, along with crabs and deep-sea fish were found to illustrate the biodiversity in these distant lands.Recent expeditions have found new species of plants, amphibians and insects, highlighting the importance to conserve these biodiverse hotspots.

FAQs About Nature

Contrary to humans or their human-designed counterparts, nature consists of the material world and all that exists within it including plants, animals, landforms and other physical phenomenon.

We cannot live without nature for basic requirements such as food, water and air. Moreover, biodiversity and climate control are promoted that improve quality of life. 

All of the life forms living on our planet (plants, animals etc) are collectively called as biodiversity. It describes both the difference between ecosystems and genetic variation of species.

Climate change is the long-term variation of Earth’s climate temperature, precipitation and other atmospheric parameters.

Endangered species are those whose populations have sharply declined because of human activities, such as habitat destruction or poaching. That is, the objective of conservation initiatives are concerned with rescuing these species and their habitats.

About Pinnes

Welcome to [Pinnes], fueled by our passion for the great outdoors. Nature : We have been dedicated to fostering through artful education and collective community action. We are here to inspire a deeper connection to nature, and foster sustainability that is good for the planet and people.

We believe that in the interest of environmental protection and existence for future generations we should investigate, understand, and conserve all aspects of nature At [Pinnes].

Our team of professionals, scientists and environmentalists are working hard to tackle some from the most pressing ecological issues. We want to make a difference that is demonstrated in the end game through impact, be it groundbreaking research or successful conservation action. Co-operation and Instruction Strategy Incentives built within plan — Regional initiatives that promote stewardship and responsibility for the outdoors should be community, government and organization driven.

By working through positive education programs, on the ground practical conservation actions and behind-the-scenes advocacy we hope to be able to back people in their journey towards having a much more sustainable way of life. We take advantage of innovation, technology for better work efforts. With the latest advances in ecological modeling and anlysis remote sensing, we can address these problems using solutions that work.

We make effective use of cutting edge technology and we keep up to date with the latest methods. Thank you for visiting [Pinnes]. Join us and be our companion in helping save nature's miracles.

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